Monday, August 30, 2010

Dateline: Friday August 27th, East Tennessee

Do you play the lottery? If your answer is 'No' that's probably because your household income is above $30,000. If you answered yes you either: A) Are poor or B) a degenerate gambler. Look, I'm Irish so I kinda believe in luck, but only on the golf course, not at the Quik Mart. last Friday I was coming from an appointment when I stopped at a rural gas station for a bottled water and some Combos (the Cheddar Cheese and Pretzel kind, not the cracker shell. Those...are horrible). Normally this transaction takes place in roughly 30 seconds. Oh not today! On this day I had to stand behind some local that spent no less than $150 in scratch offs. He kept walking around the counter contemplating whether to play 'Tennessee River $50' or 'Monopoly Money Tic Tac Toe'. Listen pal, I don't care if you drop all your Social Security money on such a worthless endeavour, but please get the hell out of my way so I can for my Dasani. And he kept asking the attendant, "What's hittin' today, lady?" and "What's hot?" Like she knows. This lady is far more concerned with reading her Penny Saver and counting the packs of Marlboro's to help you. And furthermore, don't you think if she knew what was "hot" and "hittin'" she'd tear a role off about a mile long, scratch off $40,000 in winnings and walk right out the damn door? I guess common courtesy and random odds were lost of this gentleman. I looked it up, the odds of winning a state lottery are a cool 18 million to 1. And chances are the winning ticket isn't stashed in a BP in La Follete, TN. You'd be better served taking that extra cash and, I don't know, paying your past due child support or buying a few teeth.

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